acquired immunity中文什么意思

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  1. Then they seem to acquire immunity , ” he explains
  2. Thus , the complement system act as a link between innate and acquired immunity
    因此,补体是连接机体天然免疫和获得性免疫( adaptiveimmunity )的“桥梁” 。
  3. Vaccination with dtwp opv can be continued with dtap - ipv and this transition is both safe and effective in acquiring immunity for your child
    以新疫苗dtap - ipv代替原有疫苗dtwp opv不但安全,而且能为儿童提供有效的免疫保护。
  4. Can my baby acquire immunity if he she receives some doses of dtwp opv and some doses of dtap - ipv vaccines ? will there be any adverse effects from such a programme
    以新旧两种疫苗dtap - ipv及dtwp opv完成接种能否为幼儿带来有效的保护此接种方法会否引起不良效果
  5. We hope that our study will provide us with more comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms of immune regulation and the roles that dc and complement play in innate and acquired immunity , as well as to lay a foundation for further exploration of the roles dc play in antigen - specific immune responses and immune tolerance from a new perspective . part i expression of complement receptors and complement - associated molecules on dendritic cells derived from distinct - origin at different stages of development two subsets of dendritic cells were generated from precursor cells isolated by means of magnetic cell separation system
    曰补体受体及其相关分子在modc上的表达不同分化阶段的单核细胞衍生性dc ( monocytes一deriveddc , modc )的诱导:将新鲜分离的单核细胞mo ,在含有gm一csf和工l一4培养体系中诱导5一7d ,即分化为未成熟modc ;对培养至sd的未成熟modc ,用tnfa刺激zd ,即分化为成熟modc ;此时再用lps刺激24h ,即为活化的modc 。


  1. immunity to a particular disease that is not innate but has been acquired during life; immunity can be acquired by the development of antibodies after an attack of an infectious disease or by a pregnant mother passing antibodies through the placenta to a fetus or by vaccination


  1. acquired immune deeficiency syndrome 什么意思
  2. acquired immune deficiency 什么意思
  3. acquired immune deficiency syndrome 什么意思
  4. acquired immune hemolytic disease 什么意思
  5. acquired immune hemolytic disorders 什么意思
  6. acquired immuno deficiency syndrome 什么意思
  7. acquired immunodeficiency 什么意思
  8. acquired immunodeficiency disease 什么意思
  9. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 什么意思
  10. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, aids 什么意思



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